Monday, February 15, 2010

Life in Melbourne: At the drive-in

Audrea and I went to the drive-in for the first time over the weekend. It's been something I've wanted to go for the longest time, having only read about them in old Archie comics. For me, it sounded like a place for that old-time movie magic. And making out.

And there being a drive-in just minutes away from us, it seemed silly not to give it a try. And not knowing what to expect, going to the drive-in was quite an experience.

We drove in, bought our tickets and promptly met with a wall of cars which were parked for whatever was presently screening. I think we broke a few courtesy rules leaving the headlights on while we prowled for a suitable parking spot.

And getting the sound on was another little tale. We were told to tune our radios in to the cinema frequency, but we were both worried that leaving the radio on would drain the car's battery. Audrea and I have had some bad experience with cars whose batteries drained after about a half-hour of radio. I asked a guy in the car next to our's, who said it's never happened to him. I also posted on Twitter and Facebook to ask, and was promptly assured it wouldn't happen. Still, I think we were both nervous about the car refusing to start after the movie; Luckily those fears were unfounded.

Being in your own car whilst the movie runs definitely gives more privacy, and personal space. We could shuffle about in the car, use our mobiles, and chat with each other at our own discretion. But a car gets uncomfortable very quickly. We didn't have the right tools with us this time, which we'll remedy the next time: pillows, blankets, and finding the right angle to simultaneously stretch out while maintaining the optimum viewing angle.

Still, the drive-in was something quite memorable, and definitely worth going back to again. And something for us to do with visiting friends who may have never been before. But like I said earlier, we'll have to arm ourselves suitably the next time round.


Ozvortex said...

Drive-Ins are certainly an experience. I have fond memories of seeing Star Wars for the first time as a child at the Redcliffe Drive-In (which is now gone). I also have fond memories (or should that be fondle mammaries) of taking several girlfriends to the Drive-In. Sadly Drive-Ins have all but disappeared from Brisbane due to suburban expansion and more cinemas in outlying areas. A pity. I'm going to make the effort to take my kids to one of the last in Brisbane before it, too, disappears.

Ken Lee said...

Drive-ins seem to be resurgent here in Melbourne. There are three operating now, one of which was closed previously due to bad business.