Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Super Street Figher IV - Review

Michael Pincott and I have got our joint review of Super Street Fighter IV posted online at Pixel Hunt. Go on over there to see what we thought about the game.

Here's some highlights from the review:

With the 10 new additions, the roster has become so much more robust when compared to the original SFIV. Consequently, the amount of gameplay has also exponentially increased.

It’s clear that some characters have been buffed and some nerfed, though I’m not academically qualified to say whether this has resulted in a truly balanced game. Sagat, for example, is still a beast, while Dan is still… well, Dan.

Street Fighter IV was a superb game, and Super Street Fighter IV surpasses it in every way. As far as modern fighters go, there’s not much competition.

Read the rest of the review here. And while you're over at the Pixel Hunt website, read our other reviews, listen to the podcast and leave us some feedback.

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