Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Now it seems I've been copping out quite alot recently with just posts of photos and videos that are found on the internets. And on some level, you'd be right. But since I only post things that resonate with me, just looking at those things should give you a quick snapshot of myself as a person, my likes/dislikes, and maybe even my psyche if you so choose.

Well, everyone I know knows that I like Batman. I think Batman is awesome in so many ways, and not just because he's got a cool car. In this character, I see the epitome of human conditioning, and how discipline and training can take a person onto a wholly different level. I also see a deep psychiatric trauma in the character, bordering almost on insanity. Imagine a person driven to project the same fear that one has felt onto others; to inflict pain/vengence/penance onto those who would otherwise do with same without remorse. Both these concepts/aspects appeal to me.

In one of the comics, Batman declared that the identity of Bruce Wayne was the disguise, and that Batman was his true personality. And that Bruce Wayne would be discarded as it no longer suited his needs. This has always left a deep impression on me.

So here's another reimagining of The Batman. The artist, Mike Mitchell, conceptualised Bruce Wayne as being middle-classed and was never rich. An interesting concept, and an interesting image.
This image was taken from Mike Mitchell's blog

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

OMG! A real Transformer!

This here is pretty awesome! See a real Transformer in action!


Apparently, girls who complain about their problems are at a greater risk of developing anxiety and depression. Hmm... Interesting...

In a research done by a professor from the University of Missouri-Columbia, it was discovered that "discovered that girls co-ruminate* more than boys, especially in adolescence, and that girls who co-ruminated the most in the fall of the school year were most likely to be more depressed and anxious by the spring".

The researcher, Amanda Rose, said "When girls co-ruminate, they’re spending such a high percentage of their time dwelling on problems and concerns that it probably makes them feel sad and more hopeless about the problems because those problems are in the forefront of their minds".

Of course, we have to keep several things in mind when reading the article... 1) This is only in the case whereby there is excessive communication, and 2) most of the subject group are in their early adolescence (5th, 7th and 9th grade students). Still, it's an interesting read.

Other interesting things to note are:
1) Co-rumination (both boys and girls) "was associated with positive friendship quality, including feelings of closeness between friends".
2) Boys who co-ruminate "did not develop greater depressive and anxiety symptoms over time".

*Co-rumination: excessively talking with friends about problems and concerns

Here's a link to the article: Girls who complain about their problems at greater risk of developing anxiety and depression

Monday, July 09, 2007

Airport Security

The photo above was taken from sirbrent84's flickr page.

Monday, July 02, 2007

I believe in a thing called love!

I believe in a thing called love
Just listen to the rhythm of my heart
There's a chance we could make it now
We'll be rocking 'til the sun goes down
I believe in a thing called love

It's the first days of the second half of 2007, so let's rock out! Enjoy!