Well, everyone I know knows that I like Batman. I think Batman is awesome in so many ways, and not just because he's got a cool car. In this character, I see the epitome of human conditioning, and how discipline and training can take a person onto a wholly different level. I also see a deep psychiatric trauma in the character, bordering almost on insanity. Imagine a person driven to project the same fear that one has felt onto others; to inflict pain/vengence/penance onto those who would otherwise do with same without remorse. Both these concepts/aspects appeal to me.
In one of the comics, Batman declared that the identity of Bruce Wayne was the disguise, and that Batman was his true personality. And that Bruce Wayne would be discarded as it no longer suited his needs. This has always left a deep impression on me.
So here's another reimagining of The Batman. The artist, Mike Mitchell, conceptualised Bruce Wayne as being middle-classed and was never rich. An interesting concept, and an interesting image.
This image was taken from Mike Mitchell's blog
This image was taken from Mike Mitchell's blog