Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Chinese Sandwiches

A colleague and I were chatting yesterday about the food that's available on campus. She casually mentions how surprising that at the sandwich bar, those excellent sandwiches were made by Chinese people.

I'm sure she meant nothing by it, but it made me think, "What? So Chinese people should be doing stir-fry instead?"


Phoeniix said...

yeah and Chinese food should be made up of sweet and sour pork only ;p

Friendless said...

Yep, Chinese people should only make stir fry because it's yummier than sandwiches and it's too damned hard to get. The Chinese girls at the shop across the road made Vegemite on toast for me this morning :-).

Ken Lee said...

Yea... Vegemite may be one of the worst things I've ever eaten.