Thursday, July 20, 2006

Ok. I may be more than a little creeped out.

I like to read comments about things I say or write. I like to know what people think about me, and about the remarks I make. Often times, once I've posted a message somewhere, be it a forum or my blog here, I always check back to see what sort of response others would have left me.

And more often than not, I like to see positive comments and remarks. I like to see that people agree with me, with my type of wisdom. I like to hear praises, and agreeable comments.

I don't know why I started clicking back on my very old posts, but I did. And boy, did I find a slew of comments. I wasn't even aware I had recieved this many comments. I was flattered, as I clicked through my old posts. The comments were nice, positive and generally telling me what a good job I was doing. So I was happy. Til I started noticing repeats... a few comments were mirrored in different posts. And almost all these posts were signed annoymous.

But I shrugged these coincidences all off. I mean, there were people talking nice things about me, my blog and my content. That's awesome! But one particular comment did jump out at me.

"Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future."

I'm not too sure what to make of this.


Phoeniix said...

Well ... you can take it that you have a virtual stalker or just shrug it off. I used to have annoymous people reading my blogs too but these days people don't leave comments anymore and I have learnt not to care as much so I just write what I feel and if anyone wants to leave a comment so be it.

Ken Lee said...

I'm not concerned that people are reading it, or leaving comments. It is the nature of the comments that are... off.
If a person says they enjoy/hate my writings, that's fine. If a person asks to see more pictures of me, that's entirely different.