Sunday, April 01, 2007

April Fool's Day

I hate April Fool's Day. Absolutely abhor it. I can't stand it, and I detest it, and I think it's a horrid day.

Why? Mostly because I'm a stupid gullible fellow who gets tricked easily.

As we all know, people take this opportunity to play tricks and pranks on friends, and to have a good laugh. That, in itself, is a worthy endeavour. I'm fine with that. One should always take amusement at someone else's expense. Unless the victim is me. Then it's just not right.

I've had friends tell me tall stories and I totally believe them. Because I trust them, and wouldn't have expected them to tell me a bald-faced lie. I've had people pull tricks on me and it would totally work. Because I'm not quick enough.

But the one I hate the most is when people take my stuff and hide it. That just burns me up. I really can't stand it when people do that. Because it takes me forever to find it, and I never do. I'd be scrambling up and down, and I never could figure out where it is. And the longer I take, the more frustrated I become, and the more pissed off I get.

April Fool's Day is the culmination of all those things that I hate, and as such, I hate this stupid day. Death to the pranksters! Unless I'm the one pulling the prank. Then... Yea Ken!!


Anonymous said...

Oh dear..who took your stuff?
I can imagine you being irritated and pissed.

Ken Lee said...

I can't remember exactly who... But I do remember becoming very irritated whenever it happened.

I really dislike people hiding my stuff.

Anonymous said...

yea..i learnt that from someone else's experience.
