Sunday, August 13, 2006

Oooh... What a rush....!

I am on a gamer high. I really am. I'm still totally psyched out about the turnout at today's SOG session. We had a total of 30 people turning up for games today! Wow. I mean... That is just simply fantastic.

It's been half a year since I started organising this gaming group, and I have to say that the past 6 months have really flown by. Each month I'm just looking forward to the next SOG because I have such a blast organising it. And within these past months, I have built up a pretty strong network of gamers (56 names in the mailing list) and I've made many new friends.

If you've been reading this blog, you must know how excited I've been about SOG, and how keen I've been on promoting it to others. But really, I couldn't have done it with a few really dependable friends. They too have been helping me promote SOG to the people they know, and I'm real glad to have their support. Thanks. You know who you all are.

I had a few gamers today come up to me and thank me for organising such a session for them, and one even asked if I could do this once a fortnight. That's the greatest endorsement that I can ask for, and in response to that, I must say that I have thoroughly enjoyed myself doing it, and if you all keep coming back, I'll keep doing it. It probably won't go into a bi-weekly session though. That'll just burn me out.

30 people! Frickin' crazy sick awesome!

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