Wednesday, May 17, 2006


The previous post led me onto think about something else. How comfortable would I be eating lunch alone? Or for that matter, how comfortable am I doing anything alone (leaving out all inappropriate innuendoes aside) ?

Truth is, I'm actually quite comfortable being alone and doing stuff on my own. I used to have a problem with it, being self-conscious and all. But not anymore. And in fact, there are times when I prefer to do things alone.

I've eaten alone, at fast food joints or restaurants before. I've seen many movies on my own. I don't have a problem being seen alone, being alone, doing things alone. I used to be. But not anymore.

Maybe it's because I enjoy some quiet time sometimes. Or maybe it's because I make such fascinating company. And maybe it's because I just can't stand people sometimes.

I dislike people stealing my fries, disturbing me when I wanna concentrate on a film, or prattling on about nothing at all. I get bored with dealing with other people's tedious problems, and I sometimes get very tired entertaining them, especially when they get funny moods.

But I do like me. I like me very much, and I love to spend time with me. I am the most interesting person I know, and I think I'm the only one who can stand large doses of me. I like the person that I am, I like the little silly personal jokes I make to myself, and I like my taste in all manner of things.

I don't mind spending time with myself, by myself. Does that mean I have a high self-esteem? Or that I am a recluse? I don't know. But I know I wouldn't have a problem eating lunch alone.

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